Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rabbi Yaakov Emden Referencing Christians with noble qualities and excellent morals

Preface to Seder Olam by the famous halachic authority, Rabbi Yaakov Emden ("Yavetz," 1697-1776):

"The founder of Christianity conferred a double blessing upon the world. On the one hand, he strengthened the Torah of Moshe and emphasized that it is eternally binding. On the other hand, he conferred favor upon the gentiles in removing idolatry from them, imposing on them stricter moral obligations than are contained in the Torah of Moshe. (!!) There are many Christians with noble qualities and excellent morals. Would that all Christians would live in conformity with their precepts. They are not enjoined, like the Israelites, to observe the laws of Moshe, nor do they sin if they associate other beings with God in worshipping a triune God. They will receive a reward from God for having propagated a belief in Him among the nations that never heard His name: for He looks into the heart."

from Thoughts to Ponder, Noson Cardozo, Jesus and SpinozaThe Story of a Jewish Tragedy

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